A year and a half ago Jock and I bought some land on which my mother had made many trails about twenty-five years ago. As we have explored the land we have discovered her old ribbons over and over again. Sometimes we have been able to follow a series of them and to discern the trail that she had made. It was always near a beautiful stone wall, up to a secluded pond, and, best of all to her, to a rock outcropping with a view.
She also always had multiple routes to the same point. She hated to walk up and back on the same trail, much preferring loops. When we find a new ribbon still buried in the bark of a tree it is like getting a silent hello from Mom. I share her love of the woods and of making trails. When I find a ribbon, I know that we are sharing our love.
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I may be reached at bhlavin@hotmail.com
Thanks, Bruce Hlavin